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24 Best Live Mixing Tips and Tricks
Instruments, Software

24 Best Live Mixing Tips and Tricks

Mixing live audio is a lot different than mastering something in the studio. Events are happening in real-time, which means you must get things right on the first try. Although it can be a stressful experience, the outcome offers plentiful rewards when you’re successful. There are times when things will […]


Best Free MIDI Keyboard Software for Every Platform

MIDI keyboards are useful for at-home music composition. Instead of managing an audio signal that requires a recording device, this instrument sends a code to your DAW that registers as music. That code transfers to the software to indicate where specific notes get played. When you play back the recording, […]

How to Fix Crackling and Popping Noises on Motorcycle Speakers

Why Motorcycle Speakers Pop and Crackle: How to Fix Them

Motorcycle speakers can pop and crackle for a variety of reasons. The most common problem involves an interrupted current. When power consistency occurs, the unwanted sounds occur, causing foundational stress to the point that damage may happen. Power fed to the speaker moves air around to produce sound. When the […]

Does Headphone Driver Size Matter

Does Headphone Driver Size Matter?

Does size matter? The question that seems to trump all questions. I think most of society has come to agree that size doesn’t matter all that much; what’s more important is how you use it. We’re talking about driver size here… don’t get sidetracked (even though it’s true for most […]

Why Is A Synth Pad Called a Pad

Why Is a Synth Pad Called a Pad?

The Synth pad’s widely accepted definition is something along the line of “sustained chord or the tone extracted from Synthesizer, used as the background harmony or synchronizing the atmosphere. It’s used in the same way as the string part used to pad out the sound of a film score or […]