
yamaha DZR12 Review

Yamaha DZR12 Review

Yamaha put its name into the speaker manufacturing hat in 1967 when the company introduced its first Hi-Fi product. It would be an effort that would bring the musical world the first natural sounds from a large unit, leading the company to call the series “NS” for “natural sound.” The […]

The Pros and Cons of Big Subwoofer Drivers

Pros and Cons of Big Subwoofer Drivers

If you want to measure the essential factors of a subwoofer’s performance, you’ll look at the sound pressure level (SPL) and low-frequency extension specs for the unit. When you want music that makes your clothing shake and put an extra beat in your chest, the general rule is that something […]

PCM vs. Bitstream
Home Stereo Systems, Software

PCM vs. Bitstream

Pulse-Code Modulation (PCM) and Bitstream are the two primary methods of sending audio from an input to a television or compatible computer. Both options deliver roughly the same audio quality. The difference between the two involves how the setup on your device decodes the compressed sounds that get delivered to […]


Best Tips for Sealing a Speaker Box

If you don’t seal a speaker box correctly, your audio system cannot accurately reproduce the low frequencies. The container’s air serves as an insulator, just as it does for double-pane windows and any other application. Trapped air also works like a shock absorber, which lets the speaker move with more […]

Why Does My Subwoofer Make a Popping Noise

Why Does My Subwoofer Make a Popping Noise?

Subwoofers start popping for several reasons. When there is too much distortion or power going to the speaker, you’ll experience problems with your audio. When the incoming signals tell the cone to move too far forward or not far enough, you’ll get the distorted audio that becomes so annoying when […]